THE EVERYMAN/WOMAN — Leadership & Brand Archetypes

Vanessa Couto
5 min readJun 10, 2020


Everyone is created equal.

The motto of the Everyman/Woman archetype is in tune with the simple virtue of being an ordinary person — human like all others. ⁠⠀
This is the no-frills archetype. Folks who align with this archetype carry the underlying value that everyone matters. ⁠⠀
At its core is the belief that all the things that matter to us are our birthright.

It’s reflected in the political movements that are designed to extend the full benefits of social and economic participation to a group or class of people. What they are striving for is a sense of belonging.⁠⠀

In threshold times like the one we are living through, the archetype of the Everyman/Woman has the potential to lead from a place where unity is better than being left out. Approaching life and business from the perspective that to leave a few behind will ultimately leave all of us behind, strengthens the motivation of this Brand Archetype to bring union rather than division.

Together we are stronger.
Belonging is a birthright.


The Everyman/Woman is the fundamental archetype of democracy and its values. It’s the crucial element in the civil rights movement, women’s movement, LGBT movement, or any other movement that focuses on extending benefits of social and economic power and participation to any group of people.

The desire in this archetype is to fit in, and for such, it shines best through its lack of pretense or artifice. All artifice is suspect, and it’s through sharing one’s weaknesses, neurosis, and vulnerabilities that this archetype works its magic of creating a sense of belonging. To be genuine is to be real.

Other Related Archetypes are:⁠

*The Citizen⁠
*The Good Neighbor⁠
*The Advocate⁠
*The Networker⁠
*The Servant⁠

While this archetype may not be as enticing or exciting as others, it represents the fabric of our society. ⁠Their potential for leadership comes from coming together and focusing their energies towards a win-win for all. ⁠They are at the very fabric of what makes democracy unique and vital.


The challenges for a Brand Archetype is like a coin — it has to sides. ⁠

On one, the challenges reflected by the Brand Archetype are the ones that the founder or owner of the business struggled with and is now offering something to the world that helps others face similar ones. ⁠

The other side of the coin is that the challenges are a reflection of the clients/customer and the very thing they want help or a solution to. ⁠

What we have noticed is that the sweet spot is a meeting of the two. A business is born out of both a creative impulse and to solve an issue. Thus understanding the challenges of the archetype can be a potent compass helping steer the services and products a business brings into the world. ⁠

Here are a few challenges of this archetype:⁠

*Fear of standing out⁠
*Fear of being rejected or exiled (alone)⁠
*Ignorance in behavior ⁠
*Focus on only the basic routines of life⁠
*Willingness to go along to get along ⁠

Being able to understand the challenges in an archetype help one also realize what their niche wants and needs from them. ⁠Businesses that align with this archetype are poised to help their customers/clients to come together while being aware of their fears of being singled out or rejected.

Products and services that help one feel like they belong to an ideal, a movement, or a particular lifestyle, by bringing these to their daily routines. It’s also about products and services that educate and erase ignorance of an issue, thus uprooting the negative aspects of groupthink.


At the core of the strengths of this archetype is the motto that one needs to do the right thing — no need for heroics and adventure. Joy is to be found in the ordinary, in the everyday occurrences. ⁠Coupled with the sense of comfort and belonging is the ability to create a third space where folks can come together. In an ever progressively privatized life, where one is either home or at work, spaces that offer the opportunity to assemble with others and feel like one of the crowd are also instrumental for this archetype.

Not to be forgotten, that this archetype expresses itself without artifice. ⁠It’s down-to-earth and practical, and that common sense is its compass. ⁠They give meaning to the expression: ‘being real.’⁠

Some of its strengths are:⁠

*Pragmatic / Practical⁠
*Grounded / Earthy (salt of the earth)⁠
*No pretense⁠
*Empathy for others⁠

Products or services that help folks feel connected, even with people from far away geographically, reflect the strength of this archetype. Anything that evokes the feeling of belonging is an essential compass for the creation of products and services for businesses that align with this archetype.

Understanding your Brand Archetypes’ strengths is discovering what makes your brand attractive. It’s also what helps your clients/customers connect with your business. They either see their strengths reflected in your brand or see their potential, what they would like to be in such reflection. ⁠Your Brand Archetype’s strengths are your attraction magnet. ⁠

Want to learn more about how Brand Archetypes can help you get clear about you and your business? Remember, you are the GENESIS of your BRAND. Download our eBook on “Brand Archetypes & You” here.



Vanessa Couto

Weaving psychology and archetypes in business and branding with Brand Genesis at Otterburn & Co.